Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Loving the Trees

I've come to figure out that a lot of people like trees. Like lots and lots and lots of people. And they like all kinds of trees. Trees are fun to make. Last week I put together a really beautiful tree set. And the fat girls are gonna be SOOOO happy cuz it will fit them, too.

Usually I make my open-back (apron) tops using the same pattern I've been using for years. It has gathered cups, and casing at each side in the back for the straps to lace thru and tighten. Well, I'm getting bored with them. So last year I started making some with darts and lace-ups in the back. Those gathered cups aren't gonna do squat for girls larger than a C cup. The darts give more firm support for those with ample titties. This year, I've been making bodices for the apron tops on a whim with each version. In other words, I pretty much make up a new pattern each top. Seems kind of silly--to keep having to remeasure and re-mark, but whatever. Sometimes they turn out different than I expected, but so far, no negative results. A more recent longer version apron top has straps that lie a bit further apart than I had anticipated. But it looks kind of cool--sets the neckline up differently. I like that.

So back to the tree set. There are so many wicked looking trees around here in my neck of the woods. Heck, they're all over, if you get a chance to take a look around. I love how they keep creeping up to the sun, and I keep thinking this as I stitch the stems and limbs upward along my the skyline I've created with other fabrics.

When I grew up, we had a great big ol' Weeping Willow in the back corner of our yard. We would swing from the branches, hopping the fence that created the border between my friends house and ours. Later, when we grew older (and fatter), that fence had bent, our landing and descending post, and her parents were angry that we'd damaged it. No more swinging from that tree. Thunderstorms whacked away at some of her great limbs over the years to come, and now, sadly, that tree is all but a memory.

Ode to the old weeping willow, this tree set is. I added leaf stitching to mimic that ol' Weepin' Willow. . .With a freshly designed bodice that has two darts for big boobs. I'm wearing a strapless bra with a clear back in it for the pics. Haha! betcha wouldn't have even noticed!!!

This one will go up for sale at Reggae Fest in Ohio next weekend. If it's not sold there, you will see it on the website, along with a few other pieces when I return.

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Zucchini Curry and Website Update

Zucchini Curry
Who the hell doesn't have a ridiculous amount of zucchini? Even if you don't grow it, people are throwing that shit at you. Last weekend at the All Good Festival, I made some zucchini Curry to share with my friends. We all loved it, and I know you will to! I made another dish of it last night, with a few changes. . .

1/2 teaspoon yellow or brown mustard seeds
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 to 2 teaspoons chopped fresh jalapeño chile including seeds
2 teaspoons finely grated peeled fresh ginger
2 teaspoons salt
1 tablespoon curry powder
1/4 teaspoon ground coriander
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 large onion, thinly sliced
6 medium green or Cocozelle zucchini (3 lb), cut crosswise into 1/2-inch-thick slices
1 (13 1/2- to 14-oz) can unsweetened coconut milk, well stirred
1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 cup roasted cashews, chopped

Lacking the ginger and cumin seeds for the paste, so I just used ground cumin and NO ginger--bummer!

Crushing the curry paste together. . .

The other ingredients I added, but didn't have onion--bummer #2!

And my bowl ready to eat!

  1. It was great with the additional veggies I added, but I think I missed the ginger I put in the first pot. In addition to the zucchini, I used potato, carrot, shrooms, garlic and frozen snow peas
  2. Add some butter, salt & bay leaf to the cooking water of the rice for extra flavor
  3. If your family is a sauce-hog like we are, use more than one can of coconut milk. Best one for us is one and half cans, but what the hell you'll do with the remaining half can isn't my problem. . .
  4. I didn't add the cashews. Just completely spaced on it. . .

Instructions: Sautee the veggies til tender, then add the curry paste to taste. I made extra curry paste, and added about 2 teaspoons. Stir in the coconut milk and let simmer for about 5 minutes. Serve over basmati rice.

Website updates!!!

oh yeah! I just uploaded a SHITLOAD of new stuff.

Ya'll better at least go and look, cuz I'll be pissed if this 15-20 hours of work is for nothin!!!

My favorite piece for this update!
Fairy Land Girls Smocked Hemp Dress

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

An old classic. . .

As I sit her waiting for Danielle to finish getting ready, I am remembering the delicious sandwich I had earlier this week.
Oh yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Oozing cheesey goodness and crispy buttery bread. So good you can't even wait to eat it when you grab the camera.

You know you want it.

I bet at least ONE of you is gonna run to the kitchen and bust out the supplies to make that shit, cuz it is good.

And don't forget the white trash american cheese to make it all gooey and better for you. If you're into it, choose some tomatoes that aren't that ridiculously juicy so yer bread doesn't get all soggy-like.

I like mine with a little chedda, baby. Oh, and the rosemary olive oil bread makes it extra tasty.

On our way down the road, so I'll catch ya some other time!!!

Go ahead and make that sandwich; I'm giving you all permission. Pin It
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