Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cradled in Soy

Last week I stitched up some panties for myself. I have such a hard time finding panties that fit me well. I NEVER remember what size I am in panties, so usually they don't fit right just because they probably aren't the right size. Or if they do fit around the waist I have baggy ass. I finally found my favorite kind, and sadly they are wearing thru. I cut the pair up that was in the worst shape and used it as a pattern. I've always wanted to make some--I remember reading about how easy it was to use an old t-shirt and existing panties as a pattern in Sew News or something similar years ago. When I was at the quilt shop a while back I picked up 3 packs of stretch lace in the sale bin that was just SCREAMING out to be panties. They are made of soy/cotton/lycra jersey

Here are 2 pairs:

The first pair aren't perfect. I should have trimmed the outer fabric flush with the lining fabric, which is Hemp jersey. I figured it's anti-bacterial qualities would be perfect for the coochie area. See how the elastic didn't quite catch on the lining?? Gotta fix that. But let me just tell you, folks, those are THE most comfortable panties I have ever put my fanny into. The way the soy stretches and just "cradles" your bum--oh you would just love it if you felt it.

*note* this is my WORK table--and sorry it's kinda scuzzy--and those are wax drips.

I would like to start making these to sell, as they are a perfect way to use up the scraps of leftover jersey. I think hemp jersey would make a great pair, too, although a bit more bulky. Imagine a pair of bamboo fleece panties?? OMG, your booty would be in heaven!!! Let me know who wants some!!!!

I got my first sale on etsy! Woo-hoo! Thanks to my dear friend Kelly, I believe I may have the ball rolling. I replied to an Alchemy post and was accepted, so that will also count as an etsy sale. Awesome! Might just get 2 positives in one month! Alright!

I was also discussing with another fellow crafting friend of mine, it is REALLY depressing to see such low ideal prices in the requests on Alchemy. Most pricing on Etsy is fair-n-square, as far as I'm concerned. They reflect the same pricing you'd find in the sellers own shops or booths. Quite the contrary to eBay. So you would think that those same sellers would be looking for custom products that reflected the same pricing scales they do--fair-n-square, right? Nope! Many, if not most, of the requests have quite low ideal prices. Seems those who want good prices for their own products aren't willing to turn around and do the same for others. Etsy reminds you to be realistic when choosing your ideal price, but my, oh, my is it interesting to see what others think your product is worth.

Well, on to my own business. I do have a few things completed to add to the site. I've been procrastinating, but maybe this update will get some action. All the fees are due within the next month or two for vending packages and I am getting slammed! It'd be nice to sell some older inventory to help me prepare. Ah well, I'll have it around for a while I guess. Sell it now, or sell it later. I guess it all comes out the same in the end.

I made a great skirt last week out of some hemp jersey scraps. It's something I have been wanting to do for a while and finally sat down and cranked it out within a day. Working on projects over a course of several days kind of irks me. It makes me feel like the project took me forever, and usually, that I'll never get paid what I should for it. Keeping track of time is something that can easily be overlooked and misjudged when it comes to sewing, selecting fabrics, preparing them, drafting patterns, etc.

Here's some quick-cook barley (not as good as the "real" kind!) with homemade pesto, and roasted brussel sprouts I had last week:

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