Well, I'm here! Sorry I've been so out of the loop. Little things like this keep me occupied.

Yep. Keeping up after a normal household alone with a 17 month old is hard enough. My old activities of hour long sewing sessions, late night solo batik parties, and thoughtful blog postings are pretty much out the window.
It seems like the little time I have to create is going to things for myself or my family. Today I'm painting the hallway bathroom of our new house. It's my first experience painting anything "real", besides crap I screwed around with while living at my parents house, and experimenting with, and then eventually abandoning unfinished, in previous rental houses. What a pain in the ass! What the heck was I thinking of, starting a project like this with my husband out of town?
One successful project was these seat cushions I recovered. They were passed down to us from a family member. Their old condition was a medium brown that definitely needed replacing. I could have just done a simple job, but you know me! Gittin all creative and stuffff!
Here are some food pics to help urge you into the kitchen. Sorry, no time for recipes today.
Fajita Night (Family dinner @ my folks house)

Veggie Mac n Cheese

Rosemary Focaccia

Black Bean & Swiss Chard Enchiladas