I'm sitting here freaking out about all the inventory I need to get done for my next festival. Yet, I still feel like I'm recuperating from the last one. I have a LOT to get done. But I've set myself small goals, and it seems easier on me that way. For the last two festivals I vended, I put a list of items on my handy-dandy Google Gadget Sidebar thingy. It rocks! I'm a total list-maker nut, and I have them all over the house. This makes it super easy to see my list IN my face like every day! I go to the computer every day, several times a day and BAM! It's there, and I can't avoid it. I also loaded up a photo viewer, so I can be inspired by my own art. I also have a calender, clock, and another check-mark list box for "things to get".
I had a great time at Hookahville! I worked hard at sewing all I could, and I think I actually sewed more than ever for that fest. I couldn't get any t-shirts because I was just tapped out in the funds department. So I managed to whip up another batch of batiks with the random t-shirts and few dyes that I had laying around. It feels so good to get those shirts done, because they come together a lot faster than sewing projects. I can get about 6-12 shirts done in the same amount of time it would take me to do 2 or 3 sewing projects. Here's a few of my favorite customers:

Ahhh! Mo got the
TREE pants! And she looks so great in them!!
Merry got the
Soy Keyhole top! The other young lady got a batik hat, that was actually Infant size. I cringed when she put it on, thinking she was gonna stretch the darn thing out, but voila!
So for the next festival, the
ROTHBURY, I will go head first into the batik world. Yes, I will literally be up to my ears in batiks, but that's okay. I'll do it until I get sick of it, then move on to something else. This week, as I wait for my t-shirts to get here (including organic cottons & hemp skirts!), I am working on little girl dresses. This batch is about 12-18 months, give or take. I've been using my neice M. as a model (when I can!) and for size reference, although she's a little bit big for her age.
The one below was made from patchwork that I cut up earlier this year.
Rock n Roll mama, you might recognize some of those patches! I've always loved those. . . Anyways. I added some cute brown floral for the panels and for the ruffle as well. It has a little chick on it! I have never done a chick applique, and I actually forgot his tail! Oops! Well, he's hiding it behind his back, and his eye is a tiny glass bead.

The next one is just SO stinking precious! I had bought this cute turtle print a while back at my local quilt shop. This past weekend when I went and visited the shop, I was pleased to find a great selection of fabrics on the half off table. One of those prints matched that turtle print and I was EXCITED! Such a fabric dork! I went home and washed those fabrics and got strait to work. I know, I know, I'll bet you're just melting when you see it. "EAT ME UP I'M CUTE" it will yell, at each person who sees the little girl in this dress who gets it.
C'mon. . . Tortoise Turnpike? Makes ya wanna throw up cuteness, doesn't it?

And this last one, I'm actually not that thrilled about. It's funny, how we can make things that some people find completely atrocious, while others simply adore it. I think I used to take a lot more time deciding on fabrics. Now, I just kind of go for it. If I dig the color or the print, even just a little bit, I'll just get it. SOMEone will like it.
I love those tiered dresses!!!
Next up today is a larger size range for the dresses. Once I get those done, then on to a larger size. Or those t-shirts when they get here. I guess I should order more dyes, too, as the ones I have now have gotten boring. Not the Emerald Green, though. That color ROCKS!
Last night I had a fantastic plate of taco salad. Anyone who doesn't like taco salad can just go and eat Corn Flakes!!! The possibilities are endless. Last night, I let my cast iron skillet get all smoky and ridiculously hot. I threw on some canola oil, asparagus and some portabella mushrooms and spices. Normal toppings, including the last of the roasted vegetable salsa I made for the Hookahville festival last weekend, were added to some Morningstar crumbles that I cooked up for the hubby.

Makes ya wanna go make Taco Salad, doesn't it??
I shall leave you with this picture of my next project. Potato Dextrin!!
My dad made this adjustable frame for me.